Saturday, 25 June 2011

Painting of dream

A painting by kaya
This is a painting of a dream which came to me years ago, it was of a huge hibiscus floating in the Ocean. I feel its time to revisit this painting, give it its next layer, I feel that the flower represents self, and its petals are now open to recieve true colour embraced by "Individualism"
Next time you see this painting, true self and colour will be floating, drifting and existing in entirety on the Ocean We Call Life!!!

Sunday, 19 June 2011


When I was young I wondered a lot about the world, I would lay awake at night and just think and wonder about thousands of things. As a child I grew up very organic, with an amazing mother who indevoured to live off the land so to speak, my childhood memories are filled with her out in the garden the orchard and the trips to the healthfood shop. I also have memories of waking at 4am and seeing her deep in meditation.
She often talked to me over the years about we have evolved from beings of light and other such things alike. So life was pretty magic as a child.
Then one  day my world came crashing down with the news mum had died when I was 13. For a year after that I spent many days walking, running, and crying along a deserted beach near our home. I also meditated as best I could from my mothers teaching.
One night something magical happened, a few friends were over when this amazing feeling started running through me, it felt amazing like everything was golden, it was so strong that I knew I needed to focus all of myself on white light, so I did, and sat down and began to write. Words seemed to flow through me, the words were about love, unconditional love, light, pure light, spirit, morality and the words kept coming, all the while I felt like leaving the  the ego out of it for some reason. But the message was that of pure love and revolution of the soul. The feeling was amazing, like walking in light, all my crystals seemed to change, and this feeling lasted for a week.
As I was young at the time 14 this amazing feeling was a a little bit intense after a while, as my feet weren't touching the ground so much.
For years after that I looked, searched read and found many like minded people. I searched for the pieces if the puzzle to understand why.
Now I am 28 and have felt the whispering of the universe again, however this time I am ready.  I am ready and devoted to spreading love and joy to others, I am devoted to feeling the vibrations of my soul, and I am ready to share this message of love with the world. I feel the shift I felt back then, although it seems much stronger now with many others around the world feeling that same feeling too.
May joy shine upon you, may laughter fill your day, may you feel blessed in every single way!!
Love to all Kaya